Author ⎸ Behavior Change Expert ⎸

Health and Wellness Coach ⎸Intuitive

Transforming Lives by Healing Childhood Trauma

Kathleen's Fast Emotional Healing is dedicated to helping adults who grew up in challenging environments. Whether you've faced emotional, physical or sexual abuse, or had angry, controlling, or unavailable parents, Kathleen is here to facilitate your healing and move you to empowerment.

The Solution: A Revolutionary Transformation-Proven Success System

Why Choose Kathleen?

Kathleen's Emotional Healing has a proven track record of delivering fast transformation, not just behavior management. Kathleen guides you through processing unwanted emotions, and identifying and clearing sabotaging beliefs. This will move you from a place of struggle to one of success. Her compassionate yet results-driven approach has transformed countless lives by helping individuals break free from sabotaging emotions and embrace the life they deserve.

Introducing: The Holistic Emotional Makeover Success System™

My Mission:

To help Individuals quickly transition from feeling like victims to embracing self-empowerment.

Get Started



Kathleen’s Holistic Emotional Makeover (HEM) and her CORE technique are nothing short of life-changing and amazing! If you are looking for a deep understanding of yourself, why you do what you do, and feel how you feel, as well as how past trauma (big and small) has shaped and controlled you, look no further.

Kathleen has an amazing ability to ask the right discovery questions, really listen and then use her approach to fully surface and clear previous and probably buried but unresolved trauma (pains, hurts, disappointments, resentments, fears, and more).

I have tried numerous approaches, courses, books, teachers, name it!

Nothing has come close. After our consultation, we listed 10 goals for me. However, after the first session, we added 5 more. By the time we had completed Kathleen’s 12 session package, I had reached all of my 15 goals and experienced numerous more wins that I was not even aware of.​My relationships with my stepchildren that were previously strained are now better than ever. Honest communication between my husband and me has improved. Other important relationships that were suffering are now good again and I am being nurtured. I feel totally self-empowered in the best way possible and I am thoroughly enjoying my life which has totally changed.

If you desire to improve your life in any way, don’t wait any longer to give the whole Holistic Emotional Makeover a serious look and have a consultation. You won’t regret it.

Lori S., Colorado